Has the concept of memory ever intrigued you? Today we hear the word ‘memory’ associated with electronic gadgets. Isn’t it amazing how a tiny chip can store enormous amount of information? A few years ago technology like this was unimaginable. But, what is memory? Where exactly does it exist? How is it possible to access it? Is it volatile? Can it be found anywhere and everywhere? Existentially, what exactly do the terms ‘anywhere’ or ‘everywhere’ mean?
In this video, Sadhguru explains how yoga and quantum physics approach the concept of memory. He states , “See, your idea of what is memory have to evolve. Right now your idea of memory used to be, till recently, is just what you remember. But now, your idea of memory has become more technology-oriented, you use the word ‘memory’ more with reference to your gadgets than to yourself these days. Your idea of memory has shifted, that things can have memory. Now we’re talking about water having memory. Why go in installments – water, fire, earth, this one, that one?”
“Let’s go little further. Actually, they’re trying to define Yoga, but in the scientific parlance, they’re calling it as quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement means, there is one subatomic particle here, there’s another one somewhere a million light-years away. You can’t imagine what that is, but that far away, but these two are connected. They have no explanation why, all right? The word Yoga means just this. It is just that we wouldn’t call it entanglement; there is a quantum coherence. The universe, or creation, or cosmos, is entirely coherent. Nothing here is happening unconnected. If you find coherence, suddenly, you have certain mastery over things.”
“In Yoga, we call this pragna. Pragna travels faster than light because it doesn’t travel, it’s just everywhere. Like… I’m talking about this being. This being cannot travel – it’s everywhere, so it need not travel. You can call it divine, you can call it god, you can call it being, you can call it pragna, or you can call it quantum, but essentially, because it’s everywhere, it looks like the same thing is happening everywhere. That means it traveled from here to there, there to there? No. It’s everywhere, so it need not travel. There is nowhere to travel, because what you call as ‘everywhere’ and ‘nowhere’ are not 2 different things. There is no ‘somewhere,’ that’s all. ‘Somewhere’ is an illusion, but right now ‘somewhere’ is the only reality you have. ‘Everywhere’ and ‘nowhere’ is an illusion in your experience, isn’t it?”
“See, right now you’re a somebody. 100 years later, if we bury all of you right here, there is no somebody, there is just the same garden. There is no ‘your body’ and ‘my body,’ there is just a body of earth. So, just the difference is, do you realize that now, or will you realize that when it happens? This is not just with the earth, this is with the whole creation. You are either one with it, or you are not. This is not an imagination. “I go on thinking, I’m one with the cosmos,” you will go nuts. When it happens experientially, it is tremendous. When it happens psychologically, you will lose it. If psychologically, if you think, “I’m everywhere, I’m everywhere,” you’re a serious problem.”
“So, this whole process of segmenting this and saying, “Oh, there is memory in water, we accept it. But is there memory in air? Is there memory in fire?” is a keyhole vision of life. Because we’re interested in application, we’re not interested in knowing. “How can I use it?” Need-driven. All scientific research right now is need-driven. Everything we come to know, we will use it in more and more devious ways. So, when society, or individual human beings are need-driven, they don’t realize this in their own time that they are super-destructive, because need is not a path that will end somewhere – it’s an endless path.”
“Being is not like that, the destination is right here, you don’t have to go anywhere. The destination is right here, it is not light-years away. When there is coherence between a subatomic particle, a brainless subatomic particle has coherence with another one a million light-years away, with this big a brain you must be able to find coherence, isn’t it? With everything in the universe – this is called Yoga. Yoga means union; union means you are in coherence with the whole creation. Nothing to do, because you’re already fully equipped, and here. Just learning to use the equipment without messing yourself up, that’s all.”
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