In today’s age, many couples are looking to enjoy intimate time with each other without the added burden or responsibility that a formal commitment like marriage brings. While this[...]
When you hear the word “karma,” what do you think of? For many it evokes a sort of balance sheet. You might imagine past mistakes as debits against you. You see yourself as “ in th[...]
Today’s society has enabled us, through technological and other advances, to multitask and do things faster than ever before. All the necessities are right at our fingertips. Howev[...]
“Sleep is a question of ease. If you are totally at ease, your sleep quality will go up and your sleep quota will go down.”– Sadhguru In recent years, numerous studies have s[...]
For ages, women have been seen as having the role of primary family caretakers. They tend to the rearing of their children and take care of their family’s elders. Today, many women[...]
Often, people are heard claiming that they just need a good night’s rest to clear their heads and resolve that tired out feeling. Many people think of sleep as a time when the min[...]
Midtown Manhattan: lights, high rises, a symphony of bustling humanity. It is the largest central business district in the world. There resides internationally famous Times Square [...]
There’s one thing that all of us have in common as human beings: We all want to have a rich experience of life. People go about this in different ways – they set goals for w[...]
Handedness, or hand preference, is defined as having skill and comfort when using one hand over another for tasks such as writing, throwing a ball, or other activities. Some resear[...]