Confined at home, the children still made a play day out of it: first was the conversion of the bedroom into a blanket tent/fort; next came the makeshift swords painted and cut from a cardboard box; later, and since mom limited computer time, the old board games were spread on the carpet.
The children’s laughter was only very occasionally—and not for long—drowned out by small squabbles here and there. They were having so much fun that, of course, bedtime was highly resisted!
Remember when little things plus imagination and total immersion in the moment made us feel like giddy children? It didn’t seem to rely so much on this gadget or that one but on whatever was available or whatever was happening at the moment. Why is it so much harder as an adult to feel joyful and happy, regardless of the circumstances?
Addressing a group of students and faculty at the IIT campus in Chennai, India, Sadhguru answers a question on how to maintain joy and happiness, regardless of the external circumstances.