What makes people come together in a crisis and drop all else without hesitation? Conflicts seem to disappear, and people unite to help one another with unconditional love and serv[...]
Today’s society has enabled us, through technological and other advances, to multitask and do things faster than ever before. All the necessities are right at our fingertips. Howev[...]
Have you ever been told that you are behaving a certain way and been shocked by the other person’s viewpoint? You just can’t believe that their perception of you is real. So often [...]
From top-level CEOs to glamorous movie stars, everybody who is anybody does meditation these days. But you can’t really do meditation, you can only “become” meditative.[...]
The crowd was sitting on the edges of their seats; anticipation flooded the atmosphere; the ball was thrown and the football player, hands high in the air and still running, caught[...]
Sadhguru is a competitor extraordinaire. He has tried his hand at many a sport and excelled at quite a few. Schedule permitting, he is always ready for a game of volleyball, billia[...]
For many of us, self-doubt creeps into our lives at one point or another. It can be a time when we question whether we are doing well enough or are capable of facing the situation [...]
What do you want? Does your list change daily, monthly, or yearly? Maybe you haven’t even figured it out yet. Shifting through the range of life choices, short- or long-range, can [...]
Click the play button below to watch the video. The Full Transcription of This Video is Below… Becoming Silent The process of what you call as spiritual is not a psychologica[...]