Have you ever been given the advice that you need to put yourself first? Maybe their argument was that you can’t take care of others if you are feeling depressed, exhausted, or und[...]
Like the seasons, our lives are full of changes. Some we are happy with, others we regret or dread. Some we plan for, and others shock us when they happen. Balancing life’s changes[...]
Making judgements or assigning attributions almost seems like natural human behavior, since we all do it. According to Psychology Today: Attributions are thoughts we have about oth[...]
According to The National Academies Press: Children are born with certain biological capacities for learning. They can recognize human sounds; can distinguish animate from inanimat[...]
Is humanity running after happiness? Do we go from one purchase after another in search of the one thing that will make us happy? In this age of advanced technology, so many gadget[...]
Life, as many people know, can hand you experiences you do not want or plan for. One day, everything seems to be perfect and the next day or moment, a misfortune hits. Life is ofte[...]
Maybe when we shop, we compare prices and value. Whether for the purchase of a new sweater, car, or house, this can be a good practice. It helps us get our money’s worth, and stay [...]
As individuals, we are unique in appearance and behavior. Whatever influences and experiences you had as a child may never be exactly the same as another person’s. But does that ma[...]
Spring is a reminder of the miracle of growth. Seasons change, but the reminders of spring pop up everywhere we look: birds singing, foliage beginning to form on trees, and many an[...]