Darshan is derived from the Sanskrit word darsana, meaning sight, vision or appearance. But what is the yogic meaning?
According to Sadhguru: There is one kind of meeting which we call sathsang. There is another kind of such assemblies which we call darshan. The word darshan literally means to behold or to see. When you say “I am in darshan,” you are stating that “I see” or “I behold.” Traditionally, when people go to temples in India, they are not supposed to pray or worship – they are supposed to have darshan. You are only supposed to behold because there is a certain energy form that you are trying to get an imprint of within you. You will see a big crowd who just want to be in visual contact with the deity for a moment – they want to have darshan. No prayer, no pooja, no worship, no nothing; they just want to behold and be beheld by the deity. This is a culture in the East which comes from a very deep understanding of the life process.
Darshan is a unique time when this can happen. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear Sadhguru’s recent darshan of March 15, 2020.