Scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians continue to enhance their theories and databases with new discoveries. However, many questions remain unanswered regarding life. We liv[...]
Everyone was focused on the game. The score was tied, and there were only a few minutes left. Who would win? Each side’s fans yelled their support. Then suddenly one of the players[...]
Do you wake up several times throughout the night? Do you have trouble falling asleep? When you wake up, are you still feeling tired, foggy, or even annoyed? Most people have exper[...]
Suicide is unfortunately a growing problem in the United States, and around the world. According to a report from the World Health Organization, India has the highest suicide rate[...]
Sadhguru: Of all the things in the world, of all the things that a human being can do, why yoga? Everything that human beings can do is essentially an expression of who they are. Y[...]
Words are one of the most powerful forces available to us. They have been used as a means of encouragement. Or conversely, as a means of destruction. Linguists and writers often as[...]
Are you passionate about your profession? According to a 2013 survey from the Conference Board, fewer than half of American workers are satisfied with their jobs! When so much of [...]
The hand loom has a rich history in India, dating back many centuries. Unfortunately, with the rise of industrially manufactured cloth and a trending consumer preference for synthe[...]
What does it mean to engineer yourself? Below, Sadhguru explains the technology of engineering your own system of body, mind, emotion, and energy. Sadhguru: Engineering means makin[...]