According to the World Health Organization, nearly a billion adults worldwide have hypertension. While most people with hypertension don’t feel any symptoms, it can cause headaches, nausea, chest pain, anxiety, confusion and difficulty in breathing amongst other symptoms. If left untreated, hypertension can also lead to serious damage to the heart. Apart from medication, doctors suggest lifestyle changes such as losing weight, being physically active, quitting tobacco and improving diet, which can help lower high blood pressure.
In this video, Sadhguru talks about certain food substances that can aid in improving the overall health of the system. He also speaks about how chronic ailments can be worked on by keeping a balance in our body and mind, leading to overall sense of health and well being.
“Chronic ailments like diabetes, hypertension, cardiac ailments, these things can be altered just by bringing about certain balance in the system. Black pepper, the peppercorn is very highly pranic and if you know how to use it properly it can play a great role in keeping your arteries clean. All the spice is highly pranic, but they must be used in small quantities. If you use spices in very big quantity then it lowers the hemoglobin content in your blood, it tends to make you anemic. But in small quantities it’s very good – it’s very highly pranic.”
“There is substantial research to show that if you bring thirty percent fruits into your diet, the chances of lowering the heart or cardiac ailments will be less. Even the same thing goes for diabetes, blood pressure, liver problems and renal problems. There’s sufficient data that fruit should become an important part of our diet.”
“Sprouted fenugreek or methi, as it’s known, these seeds are fantastic blood cleansers. Good source of protein, vitamins, minerals, very good for lactating mothers, great for hair and nail growth, reduces blood pressure, brings down blood sugar level. Sprouted fenugreek or methi along with sprouted green gram or moong is very, very good for cognitive health. Those who are over 50 years of age must consume this on a daily basis, otherwise you may not realize slowly you will lose it.”
“This is Karruppu kavuni arusi or black kavuni, paddy or rice. This is a unique form of rice, super nutritious and at one time it was said only the kings should eat this. Black kavuni rice is a good source of several nutrients particularly protein, fiber and iron. Some studies show that black kavuni rice contains 23 types of antioxidants and has the highest anti-oxidant activity of all rice varieties. It is also been found to have potent anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer effects among the human system.”
“Human ailments are of two different kinds. There are infectious diseases and chronic ailments. Chronic ailment, what it means is, our own body is creating the problem. Chronic ailments like diabetes, hypertension, cardiac ailments, asthma, allergies, obesity, eating disorders and many of these kinds, which are all essentially generated from within – all these things can be quelled from within. If only we’re willing to pay a certain level of attention to the innermost dimension of who we are. These things can be altered just by bringing about a certain balance in the system, activating a certain level of inner energy.”
“The Inner Engineering process is just about this, that you find access to this deepest dimension of intelligence and competence within ourselves, which is capable of generating this body, creating this body, from what kind of material? If only you found access to that, health is not even something that you have to struggle with.”
Additionally, Sadhguru suggests that Rudraksha bead necklaces can produce energetic benefits for our health: “Rudraksh is a seed. Somewhere between 6500 and 12000 altitude is where rudraksh grows in the Himalayan region and it has very unique vibrations. It brings down the blood pressure in your system. Your nerves will be calm. There are various types of rudraksh – from a single faced rudraksh to 21 faces. For people who are in family and social situations, the best thing to wear is always the five-faced rudraksh. These are called ‘pancha-mukhis.’”
Be sure to watch the video for more!