
Dictators and Daydreamers, Shopaholics and Thrill Seekers, Corporate Sharks and Pining Lovebirds…

What do all of these folks have in common? In some small or big ways, they are each looking for a larger slice of life.

Perhaps in some ways, you too are unsatisfied with your life the way it is, and are looking for greater fulfillment and satisfaction. You may be seeking it, consciously or unconsciously, in so many different ways – by acquiring possessions, friends, lovers, power, money, or even stamps in your passport.

But how much of these things will you need to finally be satisfied?

As Sadhguru explains in the video below, people are constantly seeking more of whatever they know. This is an expression of something within every human being that is desiring to go beyond the present limits and longing for boundlessness.

As Sadhguru explains, if we continue to try and find fulfillment through material means, our efforts will never bear fruit. However, through the process of turning inward, it is possible to find fulfillment from within ourselves, which is not dependent on any external situation. Inner Engineering is a method distilled from the yogic sciences which is designed to provide an access point to this inner fulfillment. Once your happiness and satisfaction are no longer dependent on outside factors, you can enjoy a lasting state of blissfulness and inner freedom throughout every aspect of life – no matter how you slice it!

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment
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