You wake up in the morning; it’s another day. Maybe you slept well, maybe you tossed and turned, but what are your first thoughts when you wake up? Is it about the many tasks that [...]
How many times have you been told to drink more water? Your mom tells you. Your doctor tells you. You hear about the importance of hydration at the gym, in magazine articles, in he[...]
Have you ever walked away after meeting someone and thought to yourself that the person was a little crazy? What made you think such a thing? Was it their demeanor? What is the ton[...]
Handedness, or hand preference, is defined as having skill and comfort when using one hand over another for tasks such as writing, throwing a ball, or other activities. Some resear[...]
Soon, it would be time for her singing act on stage. As she waited behind the curtain, at one moment she felt confident but this was soon followed by a moment of intense uncertaint[...]
The young child stacks block on top of block, curious about how high the tower can grow. When it topples and falls, she laughs with delight and starts over again to build another t[...]
Eastern belief systems, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Shinto have played major roles in the cultures of the East. Each tradition has emphasized its key them[...]
If you have ever been with small children, then you have probably seen how they love to ask the question “Why?” Their natural curiosity is persistent and warming, but sometimes the[...]
Do you ever have the desire to know for certain how things will turn out in life? Maybe you want to know in advance what kinds of careers your children will have when they grow up.[...]