Modern science is exploring this and putting out some stunning research. For example, Alia Crum (Assistant Professor of Psychology and Director of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab) said “Our minds can actually change reality.”
For example, how a person responds to pain, pleasure, even different foods they eat in large part depends on their mind and how they perceive it. Research shows that people who expect a high amount of pain in their mind actually end up feeling more intense pain and stay longer in hospitals after surgeries than those who don’t expect worse pain. The mind can actually change the physical experience a person has within themselves.
The same can be said for visualization. It’s been shown that visualizing something – whether it’s a goal you want to achieve, a technique you want to master, or anything else – increases the chances of that actually manifesting in reality. It’s a powerful tool that people can use to create what they want in the world or achieve long term and short term goals that they have. Visualization can also help ease fear and anxiety as people go into new activities.
In the video, Sadhguru shares some incredible stories about how he was able to use his mind as a child, and how he was able to “create” with it. He recalls how as a child, he created a zoo of animals with his mind, and took his cousin into it, with unexpected consequences!
Sadhguru also talks about how this is more related to tantra than people realize – many people have misconceptions about tantra in the West, but Sadhguru explains how it uses the mind in such a way that imagination manifests as reality.
Watch the video below to hear Sadhguru’s thoughts on this topic: