Many across the globe will witness and have a chance to participate in all types of yoga being offered on the UN International Day of Yoga on June 21st. Many schools of yoga are or[...]
Although yoga is widely perceived as an exercise system, it is much more than that. Images of yoga mats, yoga outfits and physical postures are often depicted throughout the media [...]
Improving relationships, like creating art, is a process. It is on-going. It requires a cultivation and there is always room to improve relationships. We all want deeper connection[...]
What is anxiety? Many of us get nervous from time to time. When this feeling escalates, we say that we’re getting anxious. When this feeling persists, then it becomes anxi[...]
In the working world, you have probably heard of the popular phrase “taking a mental health day“. Perhaps you have taken one yourself or had a compassionate boss that encouraged yo[...]
Has anyone ever told you to “just relax” and it made you even more tense, anxious or irritated? It seems to have the opposite effect of helping us become at ease and happy. It seem[...]
Some of the deepest questions that have been asked throughout history are concerned with Love and Life. At the very core of who we are, there seems to be a deep longing to know. So[...]
As children we love using imagination as part of our play. When creativity flows effortlessly, we are joyously occupied for hours and all is well. We often do the same in our adult[...]
According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, depression is involved in more than two-thirds of the 30,000 suicides that occur in the United States every year. For every t[...]