If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you know that severe anxiety goes beyond just feeling nervous or worried. Anxiety can be paralyzing, not allowing you to live freely [...]
We can’t wait to escape the cold winter weather—to enjoy the warmth of a tropical holiday getaway. But have you ever thought you need a vacation after your vacation? Vacation is me[...]
Thousands of years ago, there were scientists who explored the deep relationship between the breath and the mind through breathing exercises. These inner scientists in deep study m[...]
You’ve heard a lot about meditation already. Your meditation-savvy friends love to tell you all about how great it makes them feel, and you’ve noticed they seem to be smiling more [...]
There’s a big buzz around meditation, and for good reason. It’s hard to deny that meditation can have remarkable benefits. Endorsed by celebrities, sports persons, and even politic[...]
(Image credit: http://www.weather.com/health/news/stunning-international-yoga-day-photos) Above are some of the stunning pictures that were taken worldwide to commemorate the Yoga [...]
When it comes to change and transformation, it seems to be confusing. What can we change and what can we not change? We can physically manipulate certain aspects of ourselves, but [...]
The story of how yoga originated is filled with intrigue and a like a lost artifact, it is an ancient one. There are many theories about the origins of yoga. You might have heard t[...]