Nagging, distracting, and often negative thoughts can plague us daily. Sometimes it can be the same thought going around and around in our heads like a broken record. Other times i[...]
Goal setting is a common process to utilize when thinking about accomplishing something. Above-average athletes, successful businessmen, achievers in all fields set goals. The pro[...]
More and more people are questioning the directions that their lives are taking. Often, they feel restless, sad and even resentful at having these emotions. There might be a hard-[...]
Today, people seem to be living overly stressful lifestyles. Do you see yourself doing that? Maybe you have taken on too much. Perhaps you worry about not being sufficiently succ[...]
Do you see your work life as different from the other areas of your life? We are taught at a young age that work is a necessity in order to earn a living. But to most people, tha[...]
What does it mean to be human? This question has been knocked about for thousands of years. Various theories can be found in the fields of philosophy, poetry, religion, science an[...]
Many forms of fictional literature paint their main hero and/or villain with superpowers. It certainly is appealing to imagine yourself possessing one or more of those extraordina[...]
Exam stress can start when you feel that you can’t cope with the amount of studying needed to master the subject matter. It can also be augmented by the pressure exerted by [...]
At least one time in our lives we all have said something to someone in haste, anger or because we were anxious. Maybe it was meant to be a joke, albeit distasteful, or maybe it w[...]