Welcoming Spring
By the end of winter, most people are anxiously awaiting the arrival of spring. Warmer weather urges us outdoors and enables us to enjoy the many bird and frog songs, butterflies, flowers, and the varied emerging green foliage.
Spring demonstrates the potential of nature’s wonders and often evokes feelings of joy at the promise of all the new beginnings. Tucking the heavy winter coat and hat back into the closet and no longer being cooped up indoors helps to promote this carefree attitude as we spend more time in the outdoors.
March marks two events: the equinox and the time change (for those areas that have daylight saving time). The equinox occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator from south to north. The celestial equator is the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth’s equator. This happens on March 19th, 20th, or 21st every year. On the equinox, night and day are nearly the same length, about 12 hours, all over the world. This is the reason it’s called an equinox: equinox derives from aequus, the Latin word for “equal,” and nox, the Latin word for “night”. On this month of March, the equinox occurs on the 20th.
The time change allows us to enjoy an extra hour of daylight and time outdoors. This year daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m., Sunday, March 11th. This is the time to turn your non-automatic clocks forward an hour when you retire on that Saturday night, March 10th.
But the arrival of spring can be so much more. Sadhguru relates how to make it a blissful experience.
Sadhguru: When spring happens, all life flourishes because even an insect understands, “This is the time for me.” Even a little worm understands, “This is the time for me to make my life.” The upcoming years will be a big springtime for spiritual seekers; make sure it happens to you.
Walk and sit in such a way that even the very grass that you are sitting upon will bless you because you are sitting there, not curse you because you are sitting upon it. There is a certain way to do it.
“How Sadhguru? Tell me, how will the grass bless me? Should I eat it?” Understand that between you and the grass, between you and the insect in the grass, there is not much difference in the cosmic scale. You are less than a blade of grass. What a blade of grass is for you, in the cosmic scale you are less than that.
If you understand this every moment of your life, if you keep this in your memory, you will walk gently, you will breathe gently, you will exist gently. Gentleness is not something that you practice because somebody tells you, “Love everybody.” If you understand the size and shape of who you are in this creation, it will be just like that.