Have you noticed that everything in nature is designed in a deeply interconnected fashion though it may seem chaotic on the surface? A great example of this is a forest where every animal and plant species plays a role in keeping the symbiotic cycle of the jungle alive.There is a seamless interaction between living organisms and resources like water, sunlight, living spaces. Surely the design is too intricate for it to be all happening by chance. One wonders what holds everything together in the Universe. Is it a mysterious power we call God or a current of shared energy that everyone has access to? Regardless of the answer, it does seem like it would be really great if one could consciously access this mysterious power sometimes also referred to as “Grace”. 

We have heard of people who seem to be eternally peaceful no matter what happens in their life. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were people who struggled with re-arranging their life with the constant uncertainty while there were others who used this time to just do what they always wanted to do more joyfully. What is the secret to a peaceful and joyful state of mind at all times? Is it faith in the magic of life or a carefree approach to life without worrying about outcomes? Does one become more available to the magic of life when they stop overthinking? Many scriptures and philosophies talk about just doing your duty every moment without worrying about the destination. Does destination consciousness ruin our experience of life, and would we be more peaceful if we went about our business with no worry about the destination or the fruits of our actions?

Listen to Sadhguru talk more about “Grace” and how one could make themselves more available to it. He mentions that life could happen more effortlessly if one is in touch with this aspect.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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