It is quite common to hear about the negative effects of modern media technology. From the addictive nature of social media to the negative health effects of looking at screens for too long, it can often seem that these media technologies can only do harm when it comes to questions of human health and wellbeing. This feeling often extends to types of media like movies and television shows as well, with many criticizing their content and effects.
But can modern media technology be used to help human wellbeing flourish? Is it not possible to use movies or television shows to help people raise their level of consciousness? Any specific technology or type of media is neither inherently harmful, nor inherently beneficial; it is only how it is used that determines the effect it will have on human beings.
Hear Sadhguru speak about the necessity of utilizing all possible forms of media and communication technology for the essential project of raising human consciousness. Never before has there existed the technology to effortlessly communicate with the whole world, and if the potential usefulness of this technology can be actualized, there is no telling the wonderful possibilities that could result.
Attend a free webinar “Meditation for Beginners” to explore a simple yet powerful 12-18 minutes meditation that can bring clarity, health and joy. Visit www.innerengineering.com/freeyoga