For many generations, the important task of raising the next generation of people has largely fallen to women. It has been almost universally true that men worked while women stayed home to care for the family. In today’s world, it is quite common to find families where these roles have been reversed, and it is even more common to find families where no one is able to stay home and dedicate their time exclusively to raising the children. In many families, one or more of the parents must work multiple jobs, simply to be able to put food on the table.

While every family’s economic well being is certainly important, it appears that sometimes not enough care is being given to raising the next generation. Why has the current situation developed? And what can be done to remedy it?

Hear Sadhguru speak on the vital importance of properly handling the task of creating the next generation of people, and about the factors in modern life that make this vital task more difficult. If we can give the necessary attention not only to our children, but also to ourselves, then we can succeed at creating a more wonderful generation than our own.

Attend a free webinar “Meditation for Beginners” to explore a simple yet powerful 12-18 minutes meditation that can bring clarity, health and joy. Visit

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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