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Why Misery?

A person is miserable because of some disability from his birth itself. Or is miserable due to some disease which has happened not because of his doings. According to you such miserable people should leave the society. For others live in happy. How it is possible how to deal with such miserable people by the society?

Now (laughing) nobody is miserable because of a disability. Suppose you had only one hand. One hand less wouldn’t make you miserable. It is just that everybody else has two hands. You have only one. That makes you miserable. One hand less, does it cause misery? Does it cause misery? I’ll come to you. I know what you are saying. One hand less or one eye less wouldn’t cause misery. What causes miseries, everybody else has two. I have only one. That causes misery. Isn’t it?

So, a disease or a disability fundamentally does not cause misery. It creates a certain physical situation. Misery is caused by you. Only by you. Nobody else but you. Misery is always self created. Situations are happening. Some situations the way you like it. Some situations the way you don’t like it. Some situations the way you can handle it. Some situations the way you cannot handle it. This is how life is happening. But misery is caused by you. Isn’t it so?

A mentally retarded person never suffers. It is other people’s attitude towards him which makes him suffer. But himself, he doesn’t suffer. Actually he is more joyful than most of the people. But, he just doesn’t know what’s happening. He just doesn’t know what is happening or generally he is much more happy than other people. Isn’t it? But, it is your attitude towards him. You constantly reminding him that he’s not normal, which makes him unhappy … which makes him miserable. It is you depriving him of many things that a human being needs because of his disability which makes him miserable.

Misery is not caused by any situations. Situations are there. Some situations we can handle. Some situations we cannot handle. That’s how life is. Every situation that you cannot handle if you want to make yourself miserable or you have a lot of opportunity every day and you’re making use of it obviously. That’s why you’re making a case out of it. Why should miserable people go to caves? It would be good.

Now disabled people may not go to caves because they’re not miserable by themselves because they have no idea of what is what. All of you are creating an opinion that you are not okay, you are not okay, you are not okay. That may make him miserable. If you just say some people come with two hands. Some people come with one hand. Some people come with this big a brain. Some people come with this big a brain. It is all a part of nature and it is there. What best we can do with them we do. There would be no misery in disability. Isn’t it? Isn’t it so?

If you allowed your humanity to function rather than your prejudice to function then there would be no misery in disability. Misery is not because of disability. Misery is caused by you because you’re unconscious of what you’re doing because the basic faculties in you, your mind and body’s not in your control. That’s why you’re causing misery. Please look at your life and see. Four limbs are intact for you. Everything is right for you. But still, how many moments in 24 hours are you truly joyful? Very few isn’t it? That’s an unfortunate way to live. That’s all I’m telling you.

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