
Wherever there are teams or people working together, there is bound to be some friction at one time or another. No workplace is free of conflict. No workplace is the ideal environment every minute of every day. Clashes of personality happen. Resources might be limited. Personal discriminations can also come into play. Also, competition has been known to overwhelm a situation to the point of sabotaging the task.

Maybe you went to work feeling positive and ready to start your task, but someone else on your team approached the same task with frazzled nerves and anger. Then accomplishing the task seemed like a long upward battle. Maybe you have had jobs with a boss who was not supportive, but often critical instead. Maybe one day you loved your job and the next day you hated it. This type of roller coaster ride is unnerving and hard to handle. What can you do? Sadhguru offers us ways to deal with and reduce friction in our activities.

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POSTED IN:Self-Empowerment, Videos

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