For most of us, our sense of vision, of seeing something in the world, comes as the most natural thing, worthy of no more thought. How many of us can remember that childhood episode of peekaboo when we learnt that just closing our eyes cannot make us or anyone else disappear? Sight comes so naturally to so many of us that we don’t think of it as a complex phenomenon happening in the background. Whether we’re watching fireworks lighting up the sky or staring at a TV screen, there’s incredible complexity happening. Maybe sight isn’t as straightforward as what is commonly understood.
Just how complex is this vital sense that our brains rely on for over 70% information gathering? For instance, have you ever wondered if ‘how we see’ impacts things like anticipation and planning future action? In the video below, a questioner asks Sadhguru about soccer superstar Lionel Messi’s seemingly magical abilities on the field, and surely the questioner isn’t the only one wondering how Messi seems able to draw the soccer ball to himself in a way that’s mesmerizing to watch. Maybe his abilities have something to do with an extremely unusual, even uncanny way of seeing?
“Seeing is not simply like a simple camera as people think it is. Image is taken in and broken into 14 different parts. You’re seeing color in one place, form in another place, texture in another place, 14 different formats are happening in your brain at the same time. If we just put a pin at one point, suddenly color will disappear. If you put it in another place, texture will disappear, or form will disappear.”
“So this is a complex mechanism. If this has to be fully used, the person who drives this must be beyond limitations, otherwise he will drive it in limited ways. If you sit here, if your four limbs are just doing their own thing, it would be ridiculous, isn’t it?”
“Right now please watch this carefully, that’s exactly what’s happening – that your body and your mind are doing their own thing without consulting the being, which they are supposed to serve. They’re not even consulting; they’re doing their own stuff. When an instrument which you are supposed to use is doing its own thing and not serving you, that is a mess, not a Messi.”
“Now, you will see this, if anybody gains a certain level of physical control, even an athlete or a sports person whom you’re witnessing everyday in your life, you will see those who have a certain level of control over their body have a certain aura and a certain quality about them.”