He was famous. All ages stood in long lines to see his act. He would up the risk every year as he performed new versions of his tightrope skills. His first show, so long ago, almost a baby act, started at the circus with a safety net below him. In contrast, his latest feat was walking a thin line secured 50 feet from one 40-story building to another 40-story building. Again, he managed it above a cheering crowd. His success, he claimed, relied on one thing: focus.
Have you ever been so focused that you totally forgot time or anything else other than your object or task of focus? Why is it hard to maintain focus? Why are we bombarded with thoughts or feelings that sweep us this way and that?
Reflecting on the pandemic’s resurgence in many parts of the world, Sadhguru beseeches us to act responsibly, because staying alive is a prerequisite for success. Sadhguru also remembers Diego Maradona and his unwavering focus – another ingredient of success – that made him an exemplary footballer.