“Sleep is a question of ease. If you are totally at ease, your sleep quality will go up and your sleep quota will go down.”– Sadhguru

In recent years, numerous studies have shown that having quality sleep is of utmost importance to one’s overall health and wellbeing. It is during sleep that the body undergoes repair and recovery, both of which are crucial for the physical and mental health of a person. Many of us have come across articles about sleep disorders in today’s world and how they impact people’s quality of life. For instance, research shows how quality of sleep can be associated with decreases in performance and cognition as well as poor regulation of appetite and weight. It can also result in increases in hypertension and risk of diabetes.

In this video, Sadhguru talks about the factors one can look into to help us get good quality sleep.

Sadhguru: “Now, for everything we have a name; these things are becoming like qualifications for people. “I am an insomniac, I’m an anorexic, I am this, I am that.” Don’t give it so many scientific names to it – just see, I’m just a mess up. Messed up my body, or messed up my mind, one of these things. I’ve seen thousands and thousands of people who come with these kind of… these are not ailments, these are qualifications that you’ve taken on because the other qualifications that you have don’t amount to much. I’m sorry I’m speaking like this, but I want you to know, these are all self-created things. If you bring yourself to a certain balance, if you bring yourself to a certain ease with life, when body needs rest, it will sleep. What is there a big deal about you must sleep, you must sleep? There’s no such thing. If you put in enough activity, it will eat, isn’t it? Yes, or no?” 

“This happened a few years ago. Now we’ve refined the name, and now it’s called Isha Rejuvenation Center, okay? There was a time when we called it The Yogic Hospital. When it was a Yogic hospital, and I was directly involved in it, a few doctors from United States came. They wanted to see the Yogic hospital because they had seen the case histories, how people have recovered, and everything. They came; after the third day in the ashram, people informed me at the ashram, “Sadhguru, these doctors are very angry, they want to leave. They’re asking, ‘Where is the Yogic hospital?’”

“Then I met this group, I said, “Your idea of a hospital is, beds, people lying down on it, 10 people attending to them. That’s not my idea of a hospital.” And I took them into the garden, and into the fields, and said, “See, these are all patients who’ve come for this ailment, that ailment. We’ve given them practices – they wake up at 4:30 in the morning, do 3 hours of sadhana, then do 2 hours of work, then eat one meal, then work, then eat – by the evening they want to eat whatever is given to them. And night, they fall dead, and wake up in the morning. And in 15-20 days, they’re doing fine. Because there are some ailments which are infectious in nature, they come from outside, these are invasions from other organisms, we have to deal with it medically, medicine is needed because something else has invaded our system, but over 70% of the ailments on the planet are self-created. Why would your body create ailment for you? I want you to figure it, all of you: if you’re not able to sleep, what do you think is wrong?“

“One thing is, maybe lack of physical activity, most probably that’s the thing. Another thing is, your mind is in a mental diarrhea; once it is going like this, what goes on, you have no control, fear will happen, anxiety will happen, disturbances will happen. And your involvement with the world is gossipy, you’re not involved as life, you’re involved as a social person, understand? We can live in society, or we can live out of society, you can live with it, or without it.”

“What somebody says about you, what somebody thinks about you, you’re concerned about all this. When you close your doors, if you can leave London out, and only you go to bed, you will sleep. You want to sleep with London – it doesn’t work. I’m going at this this way because people are constantly inventing problems for themselves. Anything that happened to you as an ailment, without an external influence, is your making. Yes, or no? If it’s your making, we have to look why are you making up these things? Simple tips you want? No tips. One tip is, you must walk home today, you will sleep for sure. Do Shambhavi every day, twice a day – you will sleep.”

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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