She had two new job offers. She spent several sleepless nights caught up in trying to decide which job to take. Her mind was flooded with scenarios depicting what job number one would be like as compared with job number two. This mental loop hounded her and made it difficult for her to decide.
Have you ever experienced a similar thought pattern that came to dominate your daily thinking? The more you tried to push it aside, the more it seemed to gain momentum and cloud your mind and activities. What then, can one do to alter this nagging pattern once it occurs?
While playing a game might bring you joy for a while, Sadhguru asks, what if you were trapped in a game that you couldn’t stop playing? This scenario reflects the many ways in which we trap ourselves in our own psychological drama of thoughts and emotions. This drama, says Sadhguru, is like a cloud blocking the sun – it prevents us from experiencing life the way it is.
Jeanne Delgado August 12, 2021 at 10:20 amThank you. I feel so good and peaceful when I am watching your videos or reading your books. I am working on myself everyday. I would like to be able to be at peace all through my day. No matter where I am or what I am doing. I would like to be at the point where I handle life gracefully no matter the situation. How do I maintain that, other than keep working on myself?
christel becker August 13, 2021 at 8:51 pmthank you. that was profound. i enjoyed listening and i understood what Sadhguru said. i am 83 years old and am following Sadhguru as best i can. I live in a lock down situation and i love it. the plants, trees, flowers and animals are my friends and companions. i see few people so there is no drama, or just enough to have something to laugh about. my question is this; how can i get more involved in Sadhguru s teachings. i enrolled in inner engineering before but could not finish the course because of my computer incompetence. I messed up the computer and because of the virus no one wants to make house calls. I live on the border of Mexico and Guatemala, not in the middle of los angeles. i am practicing Isha Kriya and reaping the benefits. thank you very much. so all is great and i am happy and content but i know there is so much more to be learned.