Holding his newly born infant in his arms, the dad knew that he would be a doctor. This boy would surpass everyone else in his family in terms of career and financial success. Following that determined goal for his son, the father did everything he could to steer the boy in that direction. Unfortunately, his son did not wish to be a doctor and it caused pain, confusion, and harsh feelings for them both.
Trying to live someone else’s life, no matter how good the intentions, only leads to an unfulfilling, unrewarding, and frustrated existence. Real joy can be experienced by living one’s own life and experiencing one’s own true nature. But how to come to grips with a controlling parent, even if they mean well?
Answering a question from YouTubers @MostlySane, @Mumbiker Nikhil & @Be YouNick, Sadhguru speaks about his youth, and the reaction from his family when he decided to educate himself and take an unconventional path.