Most schools gear their curriculum around an imaginary average child and trying to increase test scores. Individual learning styles and individual motivation are often left at the curb. Classrooms are filled with students who are required to sit almost all day, interspersed with a short gym period and a short walk in order to change classrooms.
Anyone who has been in the classroom as a teacher or observer has often hear students ask why they have to learn this or that subject. Being force-fed can never replace the experience of eating a meal of your choice and consuming it at your own pace. Very young children, when they first start school, are often vibrant, curious, and enthusiastic learners; but by the time they become teenagers in high school they are often very much less so. Where have our school systems failed? What can be done to foster student learning and nurture their natural desire to learn?
Sadhguru shares his wisdom on five fundamental things that are needed to provide children with a life-enhancing education.