Many of us have grown all too used to thinking of soil as simply dirt, just the stuff beneath our feet or the stuff we want to avoid tracking into the house. But did you know that in fact soil plays numerous important roles in our physical and mental health and even, potentially, in our spiritual growth? But how can that be? How can soil, such a seemingly innocuous and inert substance, have such tremendous power? In fact, what really is soil, and what might its specific benefits be? What does it mean to say that soil is a living system? And if soil is alive, what exactly does that mean?
Soil and Holistic Well-Being
It’s not an understatement to say that human life is utterly dependent upon living soil. Sadhguru highlights that the “soil is being treated as an inert substance, not as a living system. Soil is the greatest and the most sophisticated and complex living system not just on this planet but in the known universe. Nowhere in this universe that we know of is there anywhere such a living system so complex and sophisticated. Today, who we are even in terms of evolution and in terms of our present existence, we are just a consequence of what is happening beneath our feet in the first 15 to 18 inches of the soil. The microbial activity that is happening is the basis of our existence.”
Sadhguru also discusses the role of soil in our mental health: “Health of the Soil and our health are directly related. Many physical and mental health issues are a consequence of lack of micronutrients in the Soil. It is important to understand soil nutrient quality and the food nutrition that we have. When the micronutrients are absent, physical physiological and psychological ailments are very normal. Every doctor knows this, so it’s very important this gets enshrined in the policy of every nation that a minimum of three to six percent organic content should be there in our soil.”
In terms of physical health, Sadhguru highlights the history and potential that soil has for treating countless diseases. Sadhguru says “What soil has given you is not just food. It is soil which is your body. It is soil which is this cloth. It is soil which is everything here, isn’t it? Anything and everything. Well, this dirty soil has been your medicine also. The first antibiotic, which we call as penicillin, comes from soil fungus. It’s estimated the advent of penicillin could have saved more than 200 million lives in about 50 years time. It comes from soil. Streptomycin, without which millions would have died of tuberculosis… This penicillin and streptomycin, together, might have saved something like 400 to 500 million lives in one generation. All this is from soil; and there are any number of other things.”
In addition to physical and mental health, soil is fundamental to our holistic well-being. In fact, a simple act of walking barefoot may be important for our spiritual well-being. Sadhgru explains why connecting with the earth is essential for our Sadhana “Especially those of you who find your body is not integrated enough, such people should walk barefoot. The key points in your body must be in touch with the earth. For one who is on a spiritual sadhana, particularly on those days. Shivaratri, Amavasya and the next day after that, those three days, what is available on the planet is phenomenal. And it’s also a reminder for you to intensify your sadhana.”
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