The word “karma” is almost certainly familiar to most spiritual seekers, but unfortunately, for many complex reasons, the word remains widely misunderstood. And even if we have an accurate understanding of the word and some of the profound spiritual truths to which it refers, chances are that many questions remain. For instance, are there good ways and bad ways, or good times and bad times, to finally and completely free ourselves of karma? What might be the consequence of attempting to do so at the wrong time or in the wrong ways? What might be the role of a guru in helping us move quickly through the process, and when is an appropriate time for a guru to intervene in that way? How will we know when the time is right?
Sadhguru: “The karmic structure is a very complex mess. But there are very… what to say… very descriptive stories in the Indian culture about the type of jewelry the courtesans used to wear. That is, very famous courtesans were covered in gold and diamonds. No clothes, only jewelry covered their body. Such complex jewelry that when the men who came to them, they had no clue how to take off this jewelry because it was such a complex web of chains. Try as hard as they did, but they cannot get this jewelry off. Jewelry is beautiful but for a man whose mind is running riot with lust, this is a barrier. So, usually, she encourages him to drink and drink, little more and little more, so that he sleeps and gifts her more jewelry and goes home. But when she wants to take it off, there is just one pin, normally located at where our anahata is. This one pin if she pulls, the entire jewelry falls down in one – just like that, it falls down.”
“Karma is like this. It’s a complex web of chains. Some of them of course, decorated with diamonds, some are ugly, some are rusted chains, but chains and chains and chains. But there is just one single pin. Only because you are not able to consciously find that pin… Let me tell you, the fundamental reason why there is a culture or there is a tradition of depending upon a Guru for one’s spiritual growth is just this, that you want him to pull the plug when the time is ripe. Because in this complex web of chains, you don’t know where the pin is.”
“Right now, if you try to find it, you can go on a search forever and not find it. And if you find it, just in case, if you find it, you will dismantle it in such a way that you’ll dismantle your very life. To dismantle it skillfully, that just what… just the karmic aspect falls off and you exist as a liberated being, that takes lots of skill. It is for that skill that you come to a Guru. It is your karma that you have to endure me. If you had figured it out yourself, you didn’t have to bother about me.”
“‘So Sadhguru, when are you going to pull my plug?’ That means you’re not ready yet. If you are in a state, where you think your karma is a burden and you must get rid of it, you’re not yet ready for it. If you come to a state, where you have learned how to transform every memory – conscious and unconscious, pleasant and unpleasant, beautiful and horrendous ones, everything into well-being, if you come to that state, then it’ll be good for me to pull the pin.”
“Now if you pull the pin… Because this is not liberation, this is an escape. There is difference between walking out of this body and committing suicide. They’re two different things altogether. Committing suicide means you want to escape a difficult situation. Walking out of this means your term is over. Your time is up, so they have released you. These are two different things completely. If you escape from the prison, you will have to run for the rest of your life. But if you’re freed from the prison because your term is up, then you’re a free man. That’s a big difference.”
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prasant behera October 30, 2022 at 8:54 amsimply mind blowing explanation to understand the nuance.