Many parents are concerned about their child’s development and because of this, they will compare their children with others, often using the current popular standard as the metric. If the child is not developing according to the stages of this standard, they often become worried and stressed. They start to believe that, as a parent, they are failing or that their child might have some type of developmental disability.
Assessments based on relying on what is considered at the time to be normal child development can be a trap. First, scholars have very different opinions regarding the exact number and description of the stages of a child’s development. Secondly, this type of boxed-in thinking leaves little room for individuality and the essentially organic progression of a child. Is there a better way to gauge and encourage a child’s natural development?
Sadhguru explains the significance of Varnashrama Dharma, or the four important stages of one’s life, and its relevance in our times.