Have you ever felt lost at some point, wondering what’s the purpose of life and what’s the point of doing all the things that we do on a daily basis? For some people, this can be just a fleeting thought quickly brushed aside by engaging in a movie or a sport or any other of the countless distractions that life offers. For others, it can manifest as a mid-life crisis or possibly a career switch to find something more meaningful. Many of us have experienced a feeling of saturation or boredom with things we have been doing over a long while, so we may gravitate towards things which inspire or invigorate us more. Some people engage in community service, others pursue new hobbies or expand their family and some seek heightened thrill experiences like bungee jumping or skydiving to name a few. There certainly seems to be something within us which always nudges us to seek something better or larger than what we have now.

Regardless of how it shows up, isn’t it fascinating that we human beings actually have the ability to wonder about things like this? Is there a reason we have been given this ability to wonder and not just be satisfied with meeting basic needs of food, shelter and safety like countless other species? We have heard of a few spiritually enlightened beings amidst us who have explored depths of their interiority and apparently seem to have all their questions answered. Should we be spending more time going deeper within ourselves and seeking the reasons for our existence, or are we better off just living in the moment and doing the best we can in our daily life responsibilities? Are we spiritual beings having a human experience, or are we human beings who occasionally dabble in spirituality? 

Listen to Sadhguru elaborate on the privilege of being Human and how feeling lost is actually a blessing. He clarifies that every human being is a seeker and it is only a matter of how deeply one channels this fundamental aspect of our experience.

Attend a free webinar “Meditation for Beginners” to explore a simple yet powerful 12-18 minutes meditation that can bring clarity, health and joy. Visit www.innerengineering.com/freeyoga

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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