Many may have noticed that different spiritual groups wear different colored clothing. There are those who wear all orange, those who wear yellow, those who wear maroon, those who wear white, and many more. In the modern world, where people dress in all sorts of ways, wearing one color everyday may seem like a strange fashion choice. While this choice could be seen as simply a way to distinguish different groups, in reality, there are deeper meanings to these different colors and they have different effects on those who wear them. 

Certain people may have experienced some of these effects. For instance, spending a day wearing all black can give the feeling that one is absorbing all the influences around them and doing sadhana while wearing orange can give the practices a more potent feeling. Are these feelings simply based on different associations we have with these colors, or is something deeper going on? 

Hear Sadhguru illuminate the nature of color itself, the relationship of different colors to different chakras and the impact of wearing certain colors on one’s aura and spiritual process. Certain colors have definite effects and the color of clothing is an important aspect of daily life to consider, but it is not the only thing to consider!

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation
  1. Patricia Reply
    I have been taught in yoga training that the colors are different than how Sadhguru explains: Muladhara is red, orange for Svadhistana, yellow for Manipura, green for Anahata, blue for Visshudha, violet for Ajna, indigo for Saraswawa. Could you please explain?
    • Inner Engineering Reply
      Perhaps something in this article may help address your question?

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