“If we want Wellbeing for all Human Beings and the Planet, it is essential that individuals know how to be well by their own nature.” – Sadhguru
Lifestyle diseases are typically non-communicable diseases which can be linked to one’s lifestyle choices or genes. Modern medicine often focuses on treating the specific symptoms or diseases rather than the whole individual- body, mind and spirit. This can lead to a fragmented approach to healthcare. Many researches have found profound effects of meditation on one’s overall wellbeing including a boost in immunity and clinical benefits to physical health. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of complementary benefits of integrating healthcare and ancient wisdom to aid the patients in managing the conditions better.
In this video, Dr. Tracy Gaudet of Duke University engages in a spirited discussion with Sadhguru about the approach of modern medicine to health and the need to approach wellbeing as a holistic endeavor rather than simply diagnosing a problem and fixing it. During this conversation, Dr. Gaudet shares that the dominant medical paradigm needs to shift from the principle of “find it, fix it” and there is a need to bridge the gap between physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Sadhguru: “So this whole concept and this approach to modern medicine has come because when they thought of medicine, when they thought of developing some kind of medicine, and a system of medical treatment their problem was only with infectious diseases and contagious diseases for example, how to treat the plague, how to treat the smallpox. Nobody ever thought of diabetes or hypertension or cardiac problems. They never even considered those things. That did not exist in their radar.
Sadhguru:” So this whole medical system evolved from the need to handle infectious diseases and contagious diseases which were taking a huge toll on populations in those times. But today we have come to a place where people are on self-help, that is they manufacture their own diseases. They don’t wait for any infection to happen to them because now they’re on self-help. They need another system of medicine, another way to approach it completely which is the shift we are struggling to make right now.”
“The ideal is one thing and what we can do today is a different thing. The ideal would be that we look at human well-being, not human health. If you consider human well-being as a composite subject and an approach then you would consider what makes a human being complete and approach all of them together. That is the best way to do it. But today what can we do? The situation is not ready to simply get them together now because a lot more work has to be done. It’s not going to happen in a short span of time but we can start interfacing here and there. It is possible that hospitals can have a meditation center going within them and it is possible meditation centers can have medic. Meditation centers already generally have medical facilities, but we can make sure that there’s a little bit of a health center out there.
Sadhguru: “When I say this is all important. Today sufficient research has gone particularly into water. And what these scientists are saying is water has memory. If you give it a thought it remembers, if you give it an emotion it remembers, if you give it a touch it remembers. So if elements have that kind of memory outside, you can change the quality of water just by touching it or with a thought or an emotion.”
“In India we have a word called tirth. Tirth means consecrated water. You can consecrate the water, there are simple ways to do it. We evolved a simple device called Jeevarasam. Jeevarasm means the juice of life. The juice of life is water. If you treat water with this Jeevarasam and then drink it you will see miraculous things happening to people. This is not new. Every human being who lived on this planet with a certain connection with nature around him always knew this.”
Sadhguru shares wisdom on storing and consuming water in this article : How to Store and Drink Water the Right Way.