Our modern era is characterized by a great deal of very rapid change. In the past one hundred years, we have seen technology progress at a pace never before seen in human history. Cars, planes, phones, televisions, computers, the internet, medical technology, manufacturing technology and much more have been developed and continuously improved, and this trend shows no sign of slowing. Because of this explosion in technology, global productivity has vastly increased. The human species now produces enough food to feed around 10 billion people each year; there are enough homes in the world to house every person and enough industry to give clothing and medicine to all people. Yet, with all this surplus, can we really say that humanity is more joyful or more full of health than ever before?
If anything, it appears that humanity is less joyful and vibrant than in the past. Rates of physical and mental health problems are increasing, along with increasing poverty and environmental degradation. The question naturally arises, why, if we can produce so much, are human health and happiness not increasing?
Listen to this conversation between Sadhguru and the President and Chairman of Sparta Group LLC, Dr. Gururaj “Desh” Deshpande, wherein a multitude of topics are covered relating to the absolute necessity of raising human consciousness so that humanity may reap all the benefits that come with modern technology. The power of modern technology, the need for technologies that raise human consciousness, the need for education reform, and many more topics are covered in depth in this conversation.