From time immemorial, human beings have been good at building machines to survive and improve the overall quality of our lives. But have we really, deeply explored the human body machine that we have been given, or are we simply novices? It is said that various mudras or positions we hold with our hands all have a specific purpose and meaning, and that was one of the reasons initially for practicing classical dances like Bharatnatyam [1]. Various schools of thought in different cultures all talk about the five fingers of the hand representing the five elements and about how touching the fingers in different combinations excites different things within one’s system.
One can also speculate that wearing different objects on your hands and body have different reasons, and doing things the wrong way can be harmful to one’s well-being. For instance, different cultures have various reasons for wearing the wedding ring on the ring finger. There is mention of a belief that the ring finger has a vein directly connected to the heart [2]. In many religions the ring finger is significant as well in various rituals or prayers, though it’s not entirely clear exactly how these practices evolved, and the knowledge on why we are doing these has been lost over time. Also many religious traditions have various do’s or don’ts on what to wear on the body or hands to attract the right kind of aura, though no one really explains the reasons anymore, and they have ended up becoming rote memory things people do.
Listen to Sadhguru elaborate more on the significance of exploring the human body mechanism in more depth and how doing things accidentally may actually be damaging to us. He emphasizes the need to use what is given to us fully and inspires us to dig deeper. Imagine the folly if we are given a supercomputer and we end up using it like a typing machine. It’s a call for the committed spiritual seeker to explore the significance of using our hands and body more consciously as a vehicle for growth.