For a long time, people have believed that scientific exploration was at odds with spirituality.
In some cases, it seems like the claims or experiences of people involved in spiritual processes are not in line with scientific studies. Sophisticated scientists may dismiss the claims about the experiences of spiritual seekers as illogical or unscientific. They might try to study yogis in a lab under their own criteria of experimentation, but scientists may not consider a yogi’s individual experience valid enough. On the other hand, seekers don’t always rely on science to validate the experiences they have. Sadhguru talks about the different ways yogis and scientists explore the world, how they both view the world, and how they’re both similar and different.
Here are some of the questions that are explored in the video in the link below:
While science and spirituality may seem at opposite ends, could the two be more similar than we realize? How do they truly compare? Where do the teachings of both scientists and yogis come from? Why have they both come to the same conclusions, in many cases? What’s the basis for the similarities, and what are the reasons for the differences?
In this video, Sadhguru talks about how the logical, mathematical deductions of scientists like Einstein are actually related to living experiences of yogis in a meaningful way. He also talks about how to explore the more complicated questions about the nature of this existence, the value of using logic vs your own personal experience, and how the approach of scientists & yogis both compare and contrast.