It has been said that younger people ask more questions about life as they struggle to find their place in the world and that older people tend to settle into whatever life they have created. But is this really true? As we navigate our lives, do we get so wrapped up in our daily details that we forget the burning questions we once had?
How can we focus less on how we look and more on what we are doing at the moment? Can we find a perfect match? How can we handle our sexual feelings? How can we get beyond our own procrastination? What is the most beautiful thing about life? How can we live beyond our needs? What is the problem with using four-letter words? Sadhguru answers these and many other questions pertinent to everyone’s lives, no matter what our age.
As part of the Youth and Truth movement, Sadhguru interacted with youth at universities and colleges across the world, answering questions they had on a range of subjects – with no restrictions. Watch Sadhguru answer some of the most popular questions asked so far!