When anyone is in any type of relationship, there are bound to be ups and downs. It is not easy to be consistent, always on time, to always do what you say you will do, and to be s[...]
The internet has enabled people to learn skills that a century ago, required in-class attendance. Technology has profoundly changed our access to education. Traveling is no longer [...]
What does it take to create lasting happiness? Sadhguru provides wisdom and insight on how happiness stems from within and what you can do to nurture innate happiness. What is the [...]
Surprisingly, the finding of a recent study done by a group of female academics at Harvard Business School found that women have more overall life goals than men. They are less lik[...]
The Inner Engineering program with Sadhguru in Los Angeles left the participants touched and overwhelmed with peace, joy and meditative blissfulness. Some of them share their exper[...]
Have you ever walked into a room full of people, most of whom you never met before, and your palms started to sweat, your heartbeat races, and you want to get out of there as soon [...]
Have you ever heard someone say that a newborn infant looks so angelic, or so blissful? We think of bliss as a magnified emotional state of joy and happiness, where nothing else is[...]
If you ask a group of people if they want to be happy, it is very likely that all of them will say yes. But if you ask the same group about what makes them happy, you will certainl[...]
It’s a kindergartener’s first day at school and his mother tries to ease his nervousness by telling him that it will be fun and that he will make new friends. A month has passed, a[...]