
Have your parents ever said to you that who you are today will determine who you are in the future? Maybe they were trying to get you to think about planning for your future and/or being a better person. Do you think it is true that the way you live your life today can determine the quality and experience of your life tomorrow?

Do you see yourself as what you ideally wish to be? Are you in the process of daily becoming the person you want to be? Or do you feel obstacles are always popping up, preventing you from achieving happiness and being the best person, the one you really wish to be? Are you experiencing complaints from family members, co-workers, or others who you envision are often causing you to react in sometimes negative ways?

Sadhguru explains that action should always be the way the situation requires. But whatever our action, we can remain joyful within ourselves. Sadhguru says “Life is not a trap. Everything that you do is actually an act. Either you do it consciously or compulsively. If you do it compulsively, you think it is real.” He emphasizes that if  you do it consciously, then life becomes beautiful.

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POSTED IN:Consciousness, Self-Empowerment, Videos, Yoga and Meditation

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