On September 22, 2016, as people from various walks of life enter the State Theater of New Jersey for Sadhguru’s meet-and-mingle event. The historic State Theatre is a magnificentl[...]
It can sometimes seem that everyone is concerned with success nowadays. A quick google search for “how to be successful” yields hundreds of thousands of results, including books, a[...]
It has been a stressful time for many people throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but even more so for those who work on the front lines of health care. Now more than ever, it is impo[...]
Rituals are performed with the intention of achieving a set of desired outcomes. These can include wishes for success, health, religious goals, or just from a need for tradition. T[...]
Does the universe influence us? According to Forbes article (July 23, 2020): We can learn a lot about the history of the Universe just by looking at each of our own bodies. A fully[...]
Click the play button below to watch the video. The Full Transcription of This Video is Below… Living Fully, Dying Gracefully A very dear friend of mine is completely consume[...]
Click the play button below to watch the video. The Full Transcription of This Video is Below… Knowing Life by Inclusion, Not Intellect The nature of life is such. One is pac[...]
The yogic tradition has long nurtured stories about highly advanced Yogis meditating for weeks, months, even years on end without any food or water. While these stories convey feat[...]
Click the play button below to watch the video. The Full Transcription of This Video is Below… How To End Genetic Cycles What being a part of the divine means is that you don[...]