Have you ever gone to bed with the intent that when you start the next day, you will definitely begin to adhere to a healthy diet? You include in your new regime a time for practic[...]
The Inner Engineering program with Sadhguru in Los Angeles left the participants touched and overwhelmed with peace, joy and meditative blissfulness. Some of them share their exper[...]
“No! No! No!” screamed the toddler. He was not ready to go to bed, being fixated on finishing his building block project that he started a few minutes ago. Often, parents and their[...]
Many of us have heard spiritual discourses asking us to stay in the present moment and suggesting that all fears and insecurities arise from our tendencies to wander mentally into [...]
The doting mother watched her baby carefully and, as he grew into a toddler, she noticed how he explored—and delighted in—the use of his body. From his first baby steps to his firs[...]
How do you enhance your life? Is it by eating your favorite foods? Is it by wearing the latest and coolest clothes? Or maybe it is by driving that new car you were finally able to [...]
It can often seem that those around us expect more of us than we can deliver. Sometimes we add our own disappointments by expecting too much from ourselves. How can we live a more [...]
A Chess Master shares his experience and the benefits of his Isha Yoga practice: My name is Keaton Kiewra. I am a chess master who learned chess 17 years ago when I was seven. I [...]
It was a crisp Saturday afternoon on September 17, 2016. There were a lot of birds flying in the sky over the Back Bay Events Center in downtown Boston. Many Boston residents and v[...]