Sitting in the park, a mother on the bench and her son on the ground near her, each had extremely different reactions to what happened next. The young boy was watching a spider that happened to scurry towards him. He let the spider crawl onto his hand. He was fascinated by its movements and colors. He stood up to show his mother who immediately screamed and knocked the poor spider out of the boy’s hand.
The young child thought the spider was beautiful, a welcome sight, while the mother only saw a horrendous creature and felt threatened by its presence. Societies often try to define beauty and encapsulate it with definitions set by the opinions of the times. Why live a life with such confining boundaries?
Responding to a question on beauty, Sadhguru talks about the relationship between beauty and the perfection of geometry; he explains how everything can be beautiful to anyone who has the eyes to observe.
Sarbeswar Jena August 4, 2021 at 2:36 amInspiring and bring clarity on beauty of creation. Creation is nothing but master piece of geometry.