Centuries-old buildings around the world can leave us in awe as we experience their intriguing designs and elaborate features. Some of these ancient buildings even seem to produce [...]
Being attached is often defined as an affectionate or excessive tie to a person, animal, or thing. The formation of attachments usually begins with our very early experiences as ch[...]
The day was brimming with brilliant sunshine and the soft breezes of spring. He was out for a walk with his two children. His son would run joyfully ahead in a zigzag fashion, as h[...]
Through the ages, youth have participated in various sports and adventures worldwide. Adventure sports are labeled as those activities that involve a high degree of danger. They ar[...]
Teenagers strive to be unique, and yet they very much want to fit in with their selected peer group. They often seem self-contradictory. They can act as if they are immortal, takin[...]
Sadhguru explains consciousness is the key, even though we may be equanimous within ourselves, when we perform different kinds of activities, making choices is inevitable. Consciou[...]
Sadhguru explains how a wave of consciousness can be created worldwide and Isha’s role in this process. He emphasizes on how we still need the necessary infrastructure and teams of[...]
If you have ever traveled, then you may have experienced jet lag and accompanying fatigue, resulting in a depletion of energy that affected your vacation or first work meeting. Jet[...]
Have you ever pondered the many whats, whys and hows of life? Why did this happen to me? What is the meaning of life? Does fate exist? How do I live a good life? Is suffering a nec[...]