You wake up and everything seems fine with your family: children rushing down the stairs, hungry for breakfast, and your spouse pouring everyone some juice. Suddenly, within five m[...]
Each day at precisely nine in the morning, the older gentleman would sit on the same park bench. He would carefully take out a small paper bag and throw its contents to the many do[...]
His mom tried repeatedly to get him to clean his room. Shirts clean and dirty lined the floor and bed. Trash did not often make its way into the trash can. A few old magazines some[...]
The news reports daily about those who are experiencing anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 lockdown. It is a time of uncertainty, and many people are on “information overlo[...]
You get a text or email, but your reply surprises the author. They don’t understand what you wrote or why you replied as you did. They are at a loss as to why you did not understan[...]
Have you ever said something to someone in the heat of the moment, only to really regret it later? Often we move through our daily lives, simply reacting to this or that. In this m[...]
We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic and it can be a frightening time for many people. The media broadcasts daily about cities and countries shutting down along with lists s[...]
If you woke up during the first few days of the COVID-19 virus and thought you were in some kind of nightmare, you were not alone. Many people found it difficult to believe that an[...]
For days, he could only think of her. His work was constantly interrupted by thoughts of her radiant smile. Nothing else seemed important. Even food was just a necessity, it no lon[...]