You and your friend have just ordered food and are settling down to sharing the recent events of your respective lives. After relating an unfavorable experience you had this morning at work, your friend replies back with what she envisions is a similar story. She hardly seems to touch on the pain you are still feeling from this morning’s event. What do you say to her?

How do you know that our ego is ruling your life? Are you jealous when someone else succeeds and you don’t? Are you always comparing yourself to others? Do you shrug off criticism and become defensive? How can you change this and be more sensitive to everything around you, and live life joyfully?

A seeker asks Sadhguru how one remains unaffected by sensitivity when one becomes awakened. Sadhguru explains that sensitivity does not bring pain and that there are two kinds of sensitivities: life and ego.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation

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