Most schools gear their curriculum around an imaginary average child and trying to increase test scores. Individual learning styles and individual motivation are often left [...]
With the Sounds of Isha in the background, over 2300 participants eagerly awaited Sadhguru’s arrival as they had only seen him on a computer screen for the Inner Engineering Online[...]
Science has attempted to map human evolution since the Neanderthal. They base their theories on archeological findings and current and past human physiology. However, how can we sa[...]
There never seems to be an end to the array of diet trends continuously flooding the media. Many of these attract our attention because they claim that following the diet being cur[...]
We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic and it can be a frightening time for many people. The media broadcasts daily about cities and countries shutting down along with lists s[...]
His exams were scheduled for Thursday, but it was only Monday and he felt he was still in control with plenty of time to study. By Wednesday, after attending two study group sessio[...]
Your nose is stuffy, you are having difficulty breathing, and are generally feeling “under the weather.” These are the common symptoms of cold and other respiratory illnesses. Mayb[...]
Click the play button below to watch the video. The Full Transcription of This Video is Below… How Do I Overcome Addictions and Compulsive Disorder? In today’s world, h[...]
Very few people have not watched at least one movie at some point in their lives. Today, it is even easier to do. You don’t have to drive to the theater. You can very conveniently [...]