Health anxiety and concerns about healthcare rank among the highest issues currently worrying Americans. According to the 2013 HealthCare Worry Scale survey of over 1000 Americans [...]
If you’re feeling stressed, drained, and demotivated, you might be dreaming of taking a relaxing summer vacation. However, as Sadhguru explains below, beyond making plans to [...]
Do you often do as Mark Twain advised in jest, “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well”? OK, it’s Saturday morning, and you thought you would[...]
Joy is Your Original Nature Have you ever thought that someone else is luckier than you? –that perhaps they are happier? Is “if only” a common phrase of yours? Maybe you a[...]
There are many sayings thrown around by others when your life seems to be miserable. “If life throws you lemons make lemonade”, “smile be happy” or simply “think positive”. Sounds [...]
Life is filled with relationships. From the moment we are born to the moment we die we are in relationship with all kinds of people from blood relatives, friends and lovers to co-[...]
For most of us, life is filled with challenges that seem to be the cause for periods of stress and unhappiness. We work and hope to resolve these challenges having a goal of lastin[...]
It’s Monday morning and your alarm goes off. For most of us, that alarm signals the beginning of another week of work or school. We hit the snooze button and try to gather the ener[...]
As an infant, we receive support for our desires from day one. We become hungry and cry. It is not long before we are fed and we learn the meaning of success. We learn to seek atte[...]