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The Wharton School of Business hosted an event, “The Capitalist Meets the Guru.”  A prestigious school, having an event of this nature, is exactly the point.   A deep ‘Ahha’ is happening when cornerstones of society realize the gauge for a successful life is not increasing with the latest upgrade.  Capitalists, particularly in the coming generation, are craving answers beyond a Google search.  They want a guru.  On this day at Wharton, they met Sadhguru, a yogi, mystic and visionary.

The audience of students asked of Sadhguru a stream of impatient questions.  “How to be a leader?” “How do you start?” “How do you influence people?”  Sadhguru answered, “A leader is an individual you become, not what you do.”  “A leader has a vision for something beyond what others can see.”  “You must be in love with your people and they will be in love with you.”

Sadhguru, with his genuine warmth toward the audience, exemplified being a leader on that afternoon.  While he fielded questions for over an hour, Sadhguru shared his vision, a mission none of us could have imagined.  Sadhguru is using the technology of today to bring global harmony to our world by raising human consciousness through individual transformation.  How to do this?  The teachings, practices and experiences offered by Sadhguru are the means to follow a journey inward to integrate the body, mind, emotions and energies of our Selves.  Sadhguru tells us, “In is the only way out.”  His succinct reply is an about face from our current culture.

The Western World embraces Self as the hub with spokes, the categories of our life, job, friends, family, spiritual quest and even a vacation each reaching out to the world not in to our Selves.  Spokes never touch and so we live with single tracks of disparate information with each category, a separate entity, needing support.  Dubbed “the rat race” we exhaust our energy racing out and back on each spoke.  Taking a break is just another spoke called “disconnect.”

Sadhguru is revealing a new operating platform that creates a life of ease and wellbeing but we are wary.  Like our cave dwelling ancestors who first believed that fire was a shaman’s magic trick, Sadhguru reassures us this is not superhuman.  He smiles and reminds us, “Being human is meant to be super.”

Sadhguru, bridging us to our own inner journey, shows us how to weave the spokes of our lives together.  Going ‘in’ we hear the clarion call and we raise our consciousness.  With this transformation, fulfilling our human potential, we will find our way ‘out.’
Fire, and the paradigm shift it caused, will pale in comparison to the shift that is coming; enlightenment.

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POSTED IN:Yoga and Meditation
    Interesting synchronicity. WHARTON---the Alma Mater of Donald Trump, as he often proudly states. As the "gig economy" (see BELOW) continues to expand, a healthy/just/sustainable society would require leaders who have empathy and ethics. However, an opposite trend can be seen--leaders who lack/repress empathy/ethics, in favor of elitism/Social Darwinism/"meritocracy".Has Inner Engineering successfully activated/harmonized empathy-challenged individuals' dysfunctional Mirror Neuron systems?
  2. JCD Reply
    The way out is indeed an inside game; i.e., the way in is the way out. Did anyone in the audience ask how inner engineering will change the structures of business in the way that it is practiced throughout the world today? What about the stages of human development? Do those structures of development change through meditation alone, or do they evolve in other ways? States of consciousness can be changed through meditation, but stages of development might require something more than meditation alone. What would that be?
  3. Ranjjiet Reply
    In reply to JCD. I have been a keen follower of Sadhguru and I have been practising his tools (kriyas) for the past two years. IMO, the structures of business are a reflection of self. For example, Apple as a company to an extent is a reflection of Steve jobs. The ease of use and outstanding design. Same in the case of Google (do no evil). Businesses are a reflection of inner self of the people who create it. I am sure when people become more inclusive (not the same as compassionate) the way businesses are structured will change dramatically. When someone who loves each and every life on the planet like his own will not design/create a business that rips the planet apart ? The idea of meditation and what it is capable of is limited to what we know. What sadhguru/Isha offers is more than meditation (kriyas/sadhana). It will change the fundamentals of the way one operates, it will open dimensions and shift paradigms, it will make one perceive more. It will develop humans in a more holistic way. the closest analogy i can think of is, right now all human development is one dimensional (survival oriented is some way). Say a nokia basic phone, if someone wants to make it better, the put better keyboards, better display, stronger plastic. However, iphone is what sadhguru offers, it is a gamechanger.

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