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No Such Thing as Renunciation

Sadhguru, as you told about the thing that we have to enhance our capabilities. Whenever I read about literature regarding great men of India, I always find that they have denounced all their family and life in order to achieve this perfection. So as students what are we supposed to do?

When you are a student your master denounce everything else. That’s what you’re supposed to do. Anyway, is not enunciation. This is a complete misunderstanding. Right now I got back somewhere where I meet my city time friends and school time friends. They’re a little thrown off balance with me. I am with them as I was even then. Nothing has changed with me, but they are a little…Some of them are quite successful, very successful many of them. Some of them are reasonably successful. With the failures we don’t get to meet them, you don’t know where they have gone.

It’s easier to trace the successful people in the world. How do you lose contact? So even these people who are well to do in their lives, they’re a little thrown off by my presence because they’ve heard so much about me these days. Then they get nervous and they pull out their cigarette and “Oh can I smoke?”. I say “You smoke if you want.” Then they say no and they keep it. “You don’t smoke at all?” I say “No because you know these days we are trying to make you automobiles which don’t smoke, why would I smoke?” I don’t smoke Eco friendly machine. “You don’t drink also?” “No because I’m look at my eyes and see I’m always done. Why do I need to drink?” So no I’m always blissed out so I no need to drink. “Oh, you don’t do anything?”

After being successful, they’re idea of life has been condensed to this. That if they smoke 10 cigarettes a day and they have a drink in the evening they’re successful. Otherwise anyway they cannot sleep. Okay, otherwise they’re anyway not able to sleep.

Such people will think I have renounced smoking, and drinking, and whatever. No this is not renunciation, this is just that if you choose something higher. See right now there is somebody on the street, your age boys, are walking around loitering. They did not go to IIT, they did not go to any college. They look at you and think you have renounced because day and night you’re looking at the book and studying. They’re having fun on the street corner.

In their eyes, in their perception, you have renounced everything. You have actually. They go to cinema everyday, they tease all your girls who walk on the street, they smoke, they drink, they do whatever they want to do with their life at your age, but you are a renounced character. You are here through the night sitting up reading books, listening to these people. It’s worse than renunciation.

In your mind you know you have not renounced, you only chosen to do something which you feel is better than that, isn’t it? The same thing. Somebody chose to do something that they saw as better, as a higher possibility for them. Somebody who is at a lower level of life thinks they have renounced. Nobody renounced anything.

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