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Going Beyond Stress

If you create any tension, either in the body or in the mind, you don’t need another enemy in your life. You will just slowly work against yourself. Not just in terms of physical health, in many different ways. Understand? You’ll turn your own life energies against you. Today, we know very clearly, that people we are going through excessive tensions, definitely are inviting ailments. There’s no question about it. Medically, it’s a proven fact. Isn’t it? Much more than that is happening. You’re not only inviting real health situations, you’re inviting a whole host of problems in the world because in what way you vibrate, accordingly, you draw those types of situations towards yourself, those kind of people towards yourself, those kind of ultimate results to your own life.

What we’re talking about, is not just about beating the stress. Not talking about just being little more peaceful. If you want to create your life the way you want it, you need to take charge of certain fundamentals, otherwise, you’re just working your own energies against yourself. When I said it’s a formidable enemy, because the very source of creation is here. It’s best that the source of creation is working for you, not against you. Isn’t it? Yes or no?


This is such a powerful thing, it must be always working for you. If it works against you, you’re finished. Nobody can save you, I’m telling you. If the very source of creation within you begins to work against you, nothing in this world is going to save you. It’s very, very important. It is not just about being little free from stress, being little more peaceful, little more happy. It’s not about that.

To create your life the way you want it, is very important that, first of all the body, then the mind, then the energies, these things are attended to with the utmost care. This is as important as you going out, making money, creating your family, doing whatever, because all those things you may have and still you may be miserable. Not only for yourself, you may be causing much misery to everyone around you. Not because you are good or bad, simply because you’re ignorant of life. People are causing pain to each other, not because they are good or bad. They’re just ignorant of the ways of life. Isn’t it? Whenever those people started nailing this man, it seems he said, “They know not what they’re doing.” All he is saying is ignorance is the only problem. Isn’t it? Not because they’re evil. Not because they’re some devil’s agents. Ignorance is the only problem. They know know what they’re doing. That’s their only problem. Isn’t it?

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