It is common knowledge that children learn by observing and copying, but did you know that babies start learning from their mothers’ wombs? As per an article published by the University of Washington on January 2, 2013, a 30 week old foetus actually listens to, and learns from the mother’s speech. Just hours after being born, the baby can differentiate between its native language and a foreign language. In the same cadence, powered with the curiosity of a child and the choices we make along the journey of life daily, we amass our identity, crafting the person that we become with time.
Flowing within societal tides, we adopt many trendy phrases. Some pertinent ones we use to describe occurrences around us are ‘cause and effect’ or ‘the domino effect’. When lost for words to find a reason for a situation, we often say it’s ‘fate’. To keep it short we exclaim “Life happened!”, thus demonstrating desired results or haphazard consequences we face.
At the London School of Economics, a question many of us ask was put forward: Do we meet people based on some design of destiny or is it by chance? Sadhguru answers this question with a very animated illustration and enlightens the audience with the secret behind “The greatest empowerment you can have.”
Vic Manuja May 26, 2021 at 1:55 amIt makes full sense that our life is our making, however, what makes the thinking and behaviour even for the twins to be so different? The impressions that guides us do not only come from our current life, but the life which is eternal. What created astrology, palmistry and many more things that we see in the material world? What can explain the story of Buddha that astrologers said he would be a great saint or a great king? Life is far too complex to encapsulate in a specific framework. Guidance and awareness of results of our actions can make a difference in the way the individual lives life.